Pilates-Based Movement

young pregnant woman doing stretches on the floor

Movement and breath can be powerful tools in relieving discomfort during pregnancy, enhancing labor and delivery, and healing after delivery.

I utilize my knowledge of Pilates, biomechanics, functional anatomy, and exercise science to provide evidence-based information about movement and fitness during and after pregnancy.

I use corrective exercises and tailored one-on-one sessions to address postural imbalances and relieve aches and pains that come along with the ever-changing pregnant body.

I assist women in reconnecting to their bodies postpartum, rebuilding core strength, and addressing post-delivery complications like diastasis recti or pelvic organ prolapse.

I utilize the breath as a fundamental tool for promoting not only mindfulness and presence, but also to restore postural balance and relieve muscle tension.

toddler hands poking at a postpartum belly

One-on-one sessions cover a variety of topics and are tailored to your specific body. Depending on where you are on your perinatal journey and your personal goals, movement sessions might include some combination of…

  • General guided fitness sessions using props you have at home;

  • A personalized list of safe, trimester-appropriate corrective exercises that can help you reach your perinatal fitness goals;

  • Assistance troubleshooting pregnancy muscle imbalances, aches, and discomforts;

  • Information on how your unique posture, movement, or breathing patterns could help or hinder healing from common postpartum dysfunctions like diastasis, prolapse, or stress incontinence;

  • Guidance on preparing the body for labor, along with movement ideas to use in the labor room.

Young mother doing a plank next to her infant

Schedule a free consultation to learn more.